While I was happy to weigh in and learn of my 4 lb. weight loss I was unable to attend the meeting because of scheduled dental surgery. I have been struggling with various issues for the past year, had surgery, have seen my dentist, my Ear Nose and Throat doctor, an oral surgeon, and I’m now financing the swimming pool at my endodontist’s summer place. I’m pretty convinced that someone ax murdered the tooth fairy and buried her under my house. I’d have much rather been at my WW meeting than having two, count ‘em, two already performed root canals have additional procedures on opposite sides of my mouth, one requiring stitches above the gum line. While there was no pain during the procedure (I was numb from my right eye to my left jaw and couldn’t feel my nose), I knew as soon as the Novocain wore off there would be. So when I got home I made a yogurt smoothie to act as a landing pad for the pain meds, and soon found out that when your face is numb the use of a straw is impossible: you can’t suck.

[I] soon found out that when your face is numb the use of a straw is impossible: you can’t suck.

Let me share some advice – when your endodontist says take it easy for a few days it’s best to listen to him. That would include not painting the hull of your sailboat the day after surgery. What happens is the day after that you’ll open your eyes and wonder what that flesh color thing is in your lower field of vision and realize on further inspection that it’s your cheek. The bags under my eyes really don’t need any extra help, so I called the doctor and just happened NOT to mention that I’d overdone it the day before, but said my face resembled a cantaloupe.  Enter penicillin. Thankfully the swelling has diminished some, but my lower cheek and jaw are sporting a lovely bruise. A bunch of us were shoe shopping this weekend and I could see women doing a double take at my face, because it’s not REALLY obvious, but enough to look twice and wonder if I’m a victim of domestic abuse, to which I’d have to respond, “Have you met me?”

So the right side has stitches and I’m not allowed to chew on that side for a week, and the left side has a temporary filling my dentist will replace tomorrow, but I was told don’t chomp on anything on that side until he’s done the work. Eating has become a double challenge: soft and on plan.

The week so far has consisted of egg salad with low fat mayo, a small serving of lo mein, low fat vegetarian chili, sautéed haddock with overcooked vegetables, homemade applesauce and Greek yogurt, and chicken breast cut into very tiny bits. Lots of fish as it’s easy to chew but boy do I miss crunch. I’m looking forward to a salad or some crudités or a vegetable that hasn’t been cooked to death. And a steak.

I have been trying REALLY HARD to stay on plan, and WW cautions you not to weigh yourself between meetings (yeah, right), but it looks like I’ve gained a pound. Wow, does lymph weigh that much? But I still have a couple of days before weighing in. And I’ve also discovered that my scale is messing with me. I get a different reading depending on where it is in the room. I think it works for WW and is trying to get me to stop weighing myself between meetings.

Thanks to all of you who have responded with kind messages, tips and support. Today I’m sending my love and best wished to my friend Jan who is now on her own weight loss journey after getting a dreaded midnight call that her sister had suffered two massive heart attacks.  I just wish the universe would be a little kinder with its wake-up calls. Please send your prayers, light, love and healing to Jan’s sister Carol who is in intensive care at a CT hospital.

Take Care of Yourselves!
