I had an interesting experience recently trying to sell an item on Craigslist. I’ve had good luck in the past, we use it to rent our apartments and I’ve found qualified service companies on it as well, but this time? Not so much.
He went on to say he was surprised at my new behaviors because he told me about his movers and he has no reason to scam me, blah, blah, blah. Obviously criminals are idiots.
The item in question is a water heater/tank, one of these fancy gadgets that go with the new highly efficient gas heating systems. It was only 4 years old, but it didn’t serve up enough hot water to fill my big ol’ bathtub, even if I was diligent about not using hot water for anything else all day. So our plumber installed a big ol’ water heater to fill my big ol’ bathtub. Heaven. But what to do with the old one?
So I asked the plumber to leave it behind, took a couple of photos, and texted my cousin who works for a plumber’s supply company to ask him the price of the unit new.
Me: What’s the price new of an Amtrol CH 412? Had ours replaced for a larger one. It’s 4 years old.
Matt: $900 new. Who is this?
I didn’t realize Matt still had my old cell phone number in his phone. I hate it when that happens.
So I listed the water tank for $450 and got an immediate response via text from someone who asked if the item was still available.
Them: Do you still have the Amtrol for sale?
Me: We do. You have a California area code; you know the unit is in Massachusetts, right?
That should have been my first red flag.
Them: Good. Would love to take a look but I have a very tight schedule. I will be paying via check and wait till it clears before I arrange pickup. Let me know if you accommodate my request.
Me: That’s fine, but don’t you want to see it?
He didn’t want to see it, just wanted the name and address to which to send the check. Hmm.
Me: Don’t send a certified, bank check or postal money order, just a regular check. Too many scams with bank checks that are bogus.
Them: am not sending you a bad check and the bank will verify before releasing funds to you. The check has been mailed.
5 days later…
Me: I haven’t received a check.
Them: Sorry for the delay. Personal issues. You should get the payment by Monday or Tuesday morning.
Another week later…
Me: Still no check. Putting the item back on Craigslist.
Them: Am really sorry for the delay, the fault is from USPS I will call them today to confirm what the problem is.
4 days after that I receive a Priority Mail envelope on a Saturday with a West Palm Beach, Florida return address, a UPS store kind of place listed as the sender. I open it, there is a bank check inside with no descriptor or stub for $1,650. I have no idea what this is or what it’s for, and it’s drawn on a Maryland Credit Union.
2 days later:
Them: Check has been delivered to you so what is going on?
Me: What bank was it drawn on?
Them: You have it for $1650, here is the tracking number… So get back to me and let me know what’s going on cause I want the movers to come for the item. You better not try to keep the funds for yourself.
Me: The amount of the heater was $450. Why did you send me $1650? This is a scam and I have no intention of cashing this check. Give me your address and I’ll send it back to you.
Like that was ever going to happen.
Them: I really understand how you feel about the check. I should have told you that the mover’s fees were included in the amount. I thought I told you that. I’m really sorry. All you need to do is cash the check, take out the $450 and give the rest to the movers when they pick up the item.
Me: I’m not cashing the check. I’m not paying your movers. And why would you pay $1650 to buy and transport a used item you could by new for $900 and have delivered free wherever you’re planning to install this? This is crap and you’re a scammer.
Them: Rip up the check and I’ll send you cash by Friday.
He went on to say he was surprised at my new behaviors because he told me about his movers and he has no reason to scam me, blah, blah, blah.
Me: You never communicated about your movers. I have all of our correspondence saved. Your check has been destroyed. I don’t know you from Adam and have no reason to trust you. I am no longer interested in doing business with you. Anything you attempt to send at this point will be refused so don’t try sending cash.
Them: Let me know how u want the cash and you have to pay me for destroying my check.
Obviously criminals are idiots.
Me: You’re not listening. I don’t want to do business with you, which I texted to you yesterday. And I am not paying you anything. I am now blocking your number.
I went online to see if this was a common occurrence, and if it could be reported to an authority. It is a VERY common occurrence, but everyone who reported it said they couldn’t get any kind of law enforcement agency interested in pursuing it. And this guy was very good at hiding his identity. His phone was VIOP (voice over internet protocol – very difficult to trace). He used a mailing service. But I have kept the check and the envelope and may see if the post office is interested in pursuing this as mail fraud. My only solace is that he had to pay for Priority Mail Overnight Express service, which cost him a couple of bucks.
So I haven’t given up on Craigslist, but buyer AND seller beware. There is a GREAT and very funny article on infoworld.com on how to stick it to Craigslist scammers. Read it here.
Anybody need a water heater?

OM! This exact, exact experience happened to me when I was trying to sell a living room sofa set! Scam! Made me laugh – 🙂
It’s a good thing these scams are being exposed. There is a special place in hell for people who do this stuff, especially to the elderly or less savvy computer users. Tell everyone you know!