Those of you who are personal friends know that I am a social liberal. Post election I would support a candidate who was fiscally conservative but stayed the hell out of our personal business. Those folks really don’t exist, however, and certainly the current President-Elect is not that man. Today I am depressed, but hope that he rises to the occasion and becomes, finally, presidential. I have my doubts. And the fact that the Canadian immigration website crashed last night confirms my suspicion that many US citizens are looking for the exits and they, too, have their doubts.
So now what? Will he be able to do all of the horrible things he has suggested? Deportations? A wall? Cozy up to Putin? Make millions of people lose their health insurance? Destroy the environment? And who will surround this new president? If I continue I might hyperventilate. I have the paper bag nearby.
My friend Erik said one year, after a tough election, “Now they have to show us they can govern.” We’ll see. And in two years we have the mid-terms, and there is hope for some moderation. In the meantime, as an American, I will continue to believe in our government and in our country and hope that as Americans we will choose to do the right thing. Still, I’m happy to live in a blue state.
A couple of positive things happened this week: they took away the President-Elect’s smartphone, so the 3 AM tweets have come to an end. It’s a small thing, but I’ll take it. And Massachusetts legalized marijuana. Between that and vodka martinis I may just get through this. Somebody hand me my paper bag.

Thanks Deb. I’m too speechless to say anything; too ashamed of the nation.
Thanks, Deb. Yes, we will all keep our paper bags handy.
I am just plain sad today. I, absolutely, DID NOT vote for Donald Trump. It just boggles my mind that in the name of wanting CHANGE, Americans would climb on the wagon of disrespect, vulgarity, bigotry, sex acts, put downs…. need I go on? Through my eyes, Trump has a lot of changing to do himself. I love America. I am happy in my life. And I had hope that the next President- to -Be would be someone I could respect and admire. Maybe I will get some sleep tonight.
It’s raining here today, no wonder,…….. Mother Earth and God are both crying. I am glad other friends and some family members feel as we do. My own sister and all her kids voted for Trump. How does that happen????? Deborah, Go to your kitchen and whip up something wonderful.
Ditto Linda. Can’t believe some of the people who voted for Trump. I can’t believe they would do that for the sake of “change”. Felt like I was watching an episode of Twilight Zone. So hurt and confused!
Yep, feeling your pain this morning. Glad I live Hawaii!!!
Love you, Deb, and feel your pain. It’s hard being a BLUE dot in a RED state. Thanks for the thoughtful post.
I now live in a red state. Trump fed into the anger, racism, anti Semitism, homophobia that
Followed Obama’s election in 2008. He zeroed into the heart of the population who feel
disenfranchised and invisible. They felt heard and believed he would make magic in their
lives. In their view women are second class citizens; not as President in their USA.
Groan!!!! Another batch of Cape Codders please. Wish you were here to commiserate. Another groan.
Dear Cousin Deb,
I’ve been in Canada since 1968. Although I truthfully have missed the US and have visited it frequently over the years (to visit family and friends in New England), nevertheless I stayed in Canada with my Canadian bride and our three sons. The last time I investigated returning to the US a dozen years or so ago, I carefully selected my destination – a cosmopolitan, prosperous medium sized-city with a good university. My choice was Charlotte, North Carolina. Lots of Southern charm and a mild (non-Canadian) climate. What’s not to like? I went there to investigate and hired a local realtor to show me the sights. She drove me around the area which was lovely and reasonably priced. All was fine until she asked me what our religious affiliation was. I told her that we were not religious, to which she replied: “You have to have a religion here, otherwise you will not be accepted.” That conversation concluded my investigation. I returned to Canada to stay. The day after Trump was elected, my son Andre thanked me for having decided to stay in Canada all those years ago.
As a girl from New Bedford, Massachusetts, you know how to prepare for a hurricane. I suggest that you get ready for a storm. One has only to look at Trump’s choice of cabinet members to get a glimpse of what’s to come. We’ll know soon enough. His program for the first year in office has been published. If he holds true to his stated plans, Americans and the world had better prepare for a hurricane called “The Donald”.
Cousin, Bob
Got an extra bedroom, Bob?
First come, first served. We may need to build a wall to keep the gringo refugees out.
What a nice surprise to find your “What Now?” Blog. I was just reading the 9th century cooking after finishing all the Saga of Ceredwin books and the cook book(let). It was a real comfort to find some social liberals on your blog. It is a sad and frightening time for me.
Hi Lee,
Welcome to DeborahDishes. Suffice it to say my readers are an interesting mix of political persuasions, but certainly many (possibly most) of us are sad and frightened as well. We must keep up the fight by staying involved and giving back to make the world better wherever we can. And as I age I realize how quickly 4 years can go by.
All the best,